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Monday, May 17, 2010

2010 web design trends


Web trends tend to be changed from time to time. So when a trend is changed it also introduces a new technology to achieve this trend. The most famous web trend is web 2.0. Web trend is always based on theories, concept or ideologies while a technology is the implementation of that trend. A professional web design firm use to follow these trends right after they launched in the market. The reason being is that users always prefer and attracts towards latest research or technologies.

Latest web designing trends

2010 has changed the revolution of web designing with the great difference after web 2.0. Following are the mentioned differences come into the designing a part.

        I.            Large Sized Logo/Headers:

There was concept of splash pages which has not being followed in current web designing trends. The main idea was to develop unforgettable impression to the site visitor. Same is with the large sized logo or headers. According to this web trend the logo can reside on the entire screen.

But the important thing is, in order to prevent user from the clicking phobia, there are no clicks on the header or large size header.

      II.            Sketching Hand Made Designs:

Sketching your own web design is really new on the designing line. But the practice is still not that much popular because of the reason that mostly web designers afraid of showing attitude to their own sketch able web design.

    III.            Change of Prospective

In the web design trend of 2010, it is seen that there is a much change in designing prospect. The web design of 2010 is more realistic. For example if there is a website about restaurants then a web design of 2010 will speak about that I am a web design of any restaurant.

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